At PEAK Judo Club, our mission is to develop happy, healthy and productive members of our community by promoting sport, physical literacy and judo, in a safe and inclusive environment.



Judo was founded in 1882 in Japan by a young scholar named Jigoro Kano (1860-1938). Kano wanted to develop a system of physical education suitable for the newly emerging Japanese public educational system. He derived judo from the ancient art of jiu-jitsu. It aimed to teach how to subdue an opponent without injuring them. According to Kano, “Judo is a teaching for life itself and with it we learn to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles of everyday living”.

Over the years judo has evolved but the core principles developed by Kano remain. In judo one uses throws, pins, strangling, and joint locking techniques to subdue an opponent. These techniques are applied in a manner that uses the opponent’s strength and movement against them. The Japanese word “Judo” (柔道), translated directly, means the “gentle way”. Balance, timing, strategy, and tactics are essential characteristics of this sport and art. Judo is both a fun and high-energy activity as well as a relaxing and calming exercise. In short, Judo has a wide range of appeal as a sport, an art, a discipline, a recreational pastime, a social activity, a fitness program, a means of self-defense, and a way of life.

“Judo is a teaching for life itself and with it we learn to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles of everyday living.”



  • Passion

    Passion makes life more enjoyable. At PEAK Judo Club, we have an unrelenting passion for judo that we hope to pass along to our members. More importantly, we hope to inspire our members to find their own passion.

  • Fun

    We want each and every one of our members, recreational and competitive, old and young, to enjoy judo and their time spent at PEAK Judo Club.

  • Respect

    Respect is an important value in sport, life and at PEAK Judo Club. Every member will be treated with respect. By respecting each other and our surroundings we create a positive environment where everyone can thrive.

  • Perseverance

    In judo as in life, we will fall down many times, but what is most important is getting up. When we persevere, we expand our capabilities and build new confidence. Through perseverance, we learn how to deal with failures and setbacks.

  • Growth

    We want each of our members to challenge themselves so that they can discover the full potential of their abilities.

    “The goal is not to be better than someone, but to be better than yesterday” – Jigoro Kano




  • Jita-Kyoei (Mutual welfare and benefit)

    In judo, our individual progress is also dependent on our partners. We rely on the strength and co-operation of our partners to improve. The presence of the partner and the group is necessary and beneficial to the progress of the individual.

    “If everyone acts with the spirit of mutual cooperation, each person's work benefits not only himself, but also others, and attaining this together will bring mutual happiness.” Jigoro Kano.

  • Seiryoku-Zenyo (Maximum efficient use of energy)

    In practice, the judoka seeks the best use of physical and mental energy. In judo we need to act at just the right time and use the strength and intentions of our partner against them. This principle encourages a constant and dynamic search for perfection and provides a great foundation for problem solving.


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